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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  March 21, 2013 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> coming up on kron 4 morning news. vallejo neighborhood is quiet this morning after a four hour standoff yesterday. if not please all looking into why the men barricaded himself in the home. >> a major change is coming to the golden gate bridge. when you cross the bridge to next wednesday morning the toll takers will be gone and so will the 15 mi. an hour speed limit. >> we're also following march madness 0 kron 4 morning news. four games we played today at h.p. pavilion in san jose. we will be right back. for your first day? yeah. ♪ dad: you'll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty.
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♪ i'm overprotective. that's why i got a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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let's get a bit with weather and traffic. >> a bigger back up an expected that this early hour, a bay bridge is a hot spot. there was an accident on the incline section of the bridge. it is cleared up the traffic is backed up all the way into the macarthur maze. 580 westbound back up in the highway 24. even 24 is low approaching the maze. over 22 minutes drive time coming from the maze of the upper deck. >> we're noticing a decrease in cloud cover with temperatures mainly in the '40's. we have areas of fog
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but a lot of that is starting to burn off. warmer, sunny conditions into the afternoon. clear skies will stick around as we head into tomorrow and winds will increase during the evening hours. full details on our extended forecast in just a bit. >> the search continues for a bay area baseball coach accused of molesting at least one teenage boy. police believe there may be other victims. kron4 will tran is in front of the business batting cages. >> is right behind me, close of course. there is a sign in front that says closed until further notice, sorry for the inconvenience. it is not open for business because the owner is somewhere out there on the run. police are looking for him. there is a $300,000 search warrant and so far no indications of where he maybe this morning. here is
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his picture. he is 52 years ago and his name is joel kaufmann. back at august this was his mug shot when police arrested him. he was accused of that time of molesting a boy as well. s ford into recently, they're not say when but this particular way they say that is an ongoing investigation. somewhere between 2005 and 2012. they are so quiet about this because they are not eating releasing their relationship. they do not even want anyone know when the boy's identity. they went to his house in computers and they discovered footage they say it shows the other boy and dressing in the bathroom. that was when they said they have to read and arrest them and start all over again. neighbors are saying they're completely surprised because this man keeps to himself, not just here but at his home in orinda. we hope to talk to the police department this morning as
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neighbors are coming to work. we're waiting to get more reaction. customers will be coming here not knowing about it, we'll be talking to them as well. >> a sto pedestrians were struck by a utility truck and san francisco. authorities believe the man and while men were seriously injured. there at the hospital this morning and investigators in dense fog may be to blame. there currently no charges against the driver. a man employed the a gun at neighbor's earlier during the day but when he broke a window and pointed a shotgun at least as when officers responded
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with deadly force. when they entered the home they found a shotgun next to the man. they're not confirming whether or not they were self-inflicted gunshot or not. sam it >> san mateo officials at aragon high school are stepping up security after an anonymous threatening facebook post. the bells described as traveling at a threat that targets air gone high today. investigators are working on trying to figure out who's responsible. residents nearby were also made aware of the threat. lisa looking for the person who shot and killed a 20 year-old man in antioch. it happened yesterday afternoon just off campus of mars elementary.
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the school was not placed on locked down. no word on the identity of the victim. police not release any suspect informations. this is an jack's second murder of the year. the >> for sports fans this is one of the best days of the year. march madness to be not just a few moments from now. san jose and the thick of it is h-p pavilion. its new mexico state against st. louis. the pact well champion state of oklahoma state and cal and u.n.l.v. at the winning teams from today well advanced to the next round of play here h-p pavilion on saturday. i got a chance to speak with their representative to tell me what makes these games special. >> a unique opportunity for
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her fans to see this. usually you have to travel hours to get to ever been in the team plays and. even hopping your car and travel 45 minutes to watch a team play in march madness. >> caltrans really lucked out today. tickets are still available for that game. it is a game that is a little unusual in the sense that the committee is giving the lower see the advantage. today's game is a little more important than the one they played several months ago. >> everybody is filling up their brackets, president obama picked. >> i felt out but i think miami and i've always been
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wrong in these banks. >> you are just all with no skill. seven 07 a.m. and we will be back and a couple of minutes. china is moving well on the salmon's a abridge.
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been waiting for the price of mattresses to fall? then hurry, sleep train's beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends sunday. save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. these prices are falling fast, but these deals won't last.
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sleep train's beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends sunday. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ and anthere's juicy chicken best fot ods is the secret to ma king ng parmearsan crusted chickn so ju icy y so delidecious it's yos ur secret to mtoaking dinner disappsaear best foo fds. bring oug t the best
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>> the s&p 500 and the nasdaq are trading-. on the business from we of weekly jobless claims at a slightly higher over the overall trend it is headed in the positive direction. that does not seem to be swaying wall street any. >> youtube says more than 1 billion people are now visiting its online video side each month to watch everything from clips of kidneys to scenes of social unrest around the world. the milestone was announced yesterday and marks another step in youtube evolution from a startup once in 2005 to one of the most influential forces in today's media. youtube hits the billion mark five months after facebook said its online social network reached that figure for the
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first time. google purchase youtube back in 2006 for $1.7 billion when the video side had an estimated 50 million users worldwide. yahoo has brought silicon valley start up jybe so it can bring back five of its former engineers to help the internet company built better mobile applications. jybe is a mobile service that gathers people's recommendations about food and entertainment. the deal [ malema announcer ] whewn it comes to the finannacial oaltacles milmitary families face, we understand. our oufinancnaial advice is ge gared specifically to cuo rrent enand former mily me mbers and their familie lifle brings obstacles. usaa bra ings retirement advi.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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for cur crent and former militay membermbs and their families.
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getg advice from the people w ho share your values. for our r free usaa aretirement guide, call al877-247-2-usaa. i'm just warm weather and beaches. but i'm so much more. i'm movie sets and studio tours. i'm family, museums, and world-class art. you'll see things here that you never expected. ♪ only be warned: there's so much to take in... it could leave your head spinning. los angeles. endlessly entertaining. plan your getaway at feet and not our hot spot, the bay bridge. the meeting lights are slowing way down,
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the resulting back up reaches all the way across the toll plaza on 880. it reaches all the way on the macarthur maze on 580 westbound, even highway 24 is low. this is heavy traffic coming from the macarthur maze from the east shore, the nimitz of north and westbound 24. not quite back up to the children's hospital but if you're coming from 24 there is a 26 minute drive time instead of the usual 18 minutes. continuing our bridge attack headed to 92, not a bad alternate to avoid the bridge. i am not sure it's worth grabbing all the way down for it. if it is a tossup, take the san mateo bridge. the golan gate bridge ride is still good for southbound 1 01. bart cal trained muni metro are all running on time. so is a straight out of the central
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valley. --ace >> you are waking up to 40, 45 oakland, 43 hayward, 47 livermore. winds are not as bad as early this morning, 5 mi. an hour when sustain than half moon bay. winds will it continue to increase into the evening hours. reconditions will be the big weather story. plenty of 60s out there today for afternoon highs. 62 sunnyvale, sat close to 7a 66 pedal up. satellite and radar shows all the moisture is gone, pretty mild conditions. when will come in from the north as we head into tomorrow. we
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are contending with a westerly breeze. we have some areas of fog but most of that is burned off. 7 day around the bay forecast shows warmer weather into the weekend. we have the potential for some rain, 20 to 30 percent chance as we head into wednesday. sierra at small looks like they've received about 3 in. of new snow. the base of 31 to 100 in.. norstar a base of 34 to 84 in.. squaw valley 10 in. of this note with a base of 12 to 101 in.. >> north korea says it will attack u.s. military bases in japan and the pacific island of guam if provoked. this is a day after leader kim jong un oversaw a mock
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drawn strike on south korea. the north but also held an air raid drill today after accusing the united states of preparing a military strike using bombers that have overflown the korean peninsula as part of drills between south korean and u.s. forces. south korea's that a hiking attack on the servers of local broadcasters and banks yesterday are originated from the ip address address and china, raising suspicions the answers and came from north korea. >> the parents of the want of the 21st graders still in newtown school massacre met the government's father in an effort to bring some closure to the tragedy. mother alyssa byrne parker met with adam lanza as father peter lanza for in our hour and asked about his son's medical history and
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other issues. the parkers six year-old daughter, emilie died in a shooting rampage. the senate has passed a huge spending bill to fund the government through the end of september. the bill will avoid a partial federal shut down at the end of the month. about today in the house with the measure to the president for his signature. it includes funding for the day-to-day operating budgets of every cabinet agency and another $87 billion for military operations in afghanistan and iraq. >> recordings have surfaced of an anti-gay tirade by boat musicians michelle shocked. it was during a sunday night performance intemperances go. >> i am sick of christians and filled with hypocrisy
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hiding behind a symbol of all crossed. >> after the ranch, the clubyoshi's pull the plug and ended the shows. since sunday, at least 10 venues around the country have canceled shows, saying they disagree with shocked comments. stock issued a statement. >> california's lieutenant governor is weighing in on the upcoming supreme court during on same-sex marriage. as the mayor of san francisco, and gavin newsom direct about the city clerk to its use same-sex marriage licenses nine years ago. while those first marriages were later ruled illegal, many credit the action with getting the marriage in quality ball rolling. the lieutenant governor and a optimistic about the supreme
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court hearing and hopes the outcome will allow same-sex couples around the country to marry. >> the supreme court is scheduled to hear arguments next tuesday and wednesday. >> nearly 100 protesters were arrested yesterday on the las vegas strip. workers demonstrated against the cosmopolitan casino protesting their union contract negotiations that have lasted for two years. employees of the casino said the drop contract talks have stalled health care and job security. the cosmopolitan spokeswoman says bad let's continue to negotiate with labored to find a fair agreement. the protesters shut down traffic on the strip in both directions for more than an hour. 7:22 a.m. and a live look outside at the approach to the bay bridge.
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[ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about?
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and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. start arwith the best. use usonly natural ingredient. makema something original. genuinnue. realre. so psoeel it open. stirst it up. and raise a cup to the real.
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>> 7258 m and in oakland he is potholes' are causing big problems for drivers and bicyclist and the rock bridge district. they're so bad, there damaging car tires and some bike riders
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say they've fallen. >> buses in san francisco will soon get new ads that might catch your eye. muni does not want to put them up but the says its hands are tied. the controversial ads we place on the side of several muni buses for four weeks. in total there will be six adds. one reads, the punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty. another read, homosexuality is ugly and the rhine we don't have homosexuals like in your country. the ads are paid for by the american freedom defense initiative. most recently, the organization had a series of other ads or anti muslim on the buses. many says the public on facility is in a difficult position. the as mta is receiving $3,000 to
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put up the ads on the buses. all the proceeds will go towards at san francisco's human rights campaign. details are emerging about the national park service is and is plan to overhaul yosemite valley. i did a proposal horse rentals and bicycle rentals would no longer be allowed in the valley. the pool will be removed from the iconic of suwannee hotel. the ice rink at curry village would be torn out. the 235 million merced river plan has been more than a decade in the making. it's been delayed several by several lawsuits from environmentalists. >> a live look at the james lick. it should be a nice >> a live look at the james lick. it should be a nice day today. hot mess hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ your'e a hot kind of love you set me on fire you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪
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jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapenos, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese. ♪ your'e a-a hot mess and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess
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i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. pastpa my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i doi n't think so. new grw eat grains protein blend. proteiotn from natural ingredients like skeeeds and nuts. it hitelps support a healthy metabolism. new greagrt grains protein blend.
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>> a slower than usual ride at the bay bridge this morning, drive times are up. interstate 80 drive times are over 18 minutes. 16 to 18 minutes of your approaches from the nimitz. the approach is backed up all the way over the toll plaza. and earlier occurring accident, long trip cleared from the traffic lanes is to blame. >> right now the bridge are mainly in the 40's. we could see some upper 60s. later on tonight, winds will pick up and clear conditions. chilly temperatures, back in the fifties by 8:00 p.m.. tomorrow, more sunshine and warmer weather on the way. we have rain on the horizon, i will talk about the wet weather forecast in a couple of minutes. >> the changes are set to arrive at the golden gate
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bridge and less the jackie sissel is on the same. >> it is bus was hot in front of me you could see the historic golden gate bridge toll plaza. there are lots of changes happening and it will start six days from today. they will go to all electronic tolling. it will be the first grade and the entire state to go all electronic. new fees will be -- speeds will be posted. well list of other changes that you could expect to see wednesday morning as she goes to the toll plaza wednesday, speed limits, at no fasttrack. no toll
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collectors, the bulls will wrapped on the inside. new speed limit. we need you to just pay attention. if you have not done nothing but, you will get a bully boys and the mail. >> don't stop at the plaza? >> don't stop. >> that land of the truck is going through what will be a designated carpool lane. they will wrap the inside of the toll booths. so people do not expect to see a toll taker there. they're also hoping that will increased traffic. they're trying to get the word out that the change is coming. obviously we all know it's change comes difficulty. there'll be a lot of people out here
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trying to direct people. the hope is that wednesday morning goes smoothly and enough. there are a lot of changes that people have to be used to know. >> there'll be confused initially so we will keep an eye on that. >> the fbi and robert police are looking for a serial bank robber called the hon beat banned it. this was everyone's model from demand a suspect of robbing three banks in sonoma county. he is known for giving out demanding notes and wearing a hooded sweatshirt during robberies. police say was last seen getting into a 1990's jeep wrangler with faded red paint. >> police are looking for a head coach of a traveling bay area baseball team. he is suspected of molesting one teenaged boy, and secretly film and other and a bathroom. investigators say there may be more victims'. a $300,000 arrest warrant has been issued for
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52 year old cajojoel kaufmann of orinda. he coaches the california smoke baseball club out of san jose. its players are all over the bay area. he is also the owner of triple play u.s. a, a batting cage facility in san leandro. >> filed the charges are true. >> police first arrested kaufman in august after the parents of a boy he allegedly molested called around the police but no charges were filed at that time. >> we are learning about the police officer involved in the latest officer involved shooting in san jose. as we reported yesterday, his name is bruce barthelemy a five-
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year veteran of the department. the offer more helicopter partnership with abc seven news shows the scene monday night. he fired one round, killing the still unidentified driver of a stolen car. police say the driver was trying to run the officer down. they also confirm that he was involved in another officer mall shooting in november of last year. and as it he shot and wounded a suspect wanted in a murder and robbery rampage. the santa clara county's chisheriff's office is handling the latest investigation. as a standard protocol officer bars the me is on administrative leave
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pending the outcome of that investigation. a private vigil is plan tonight for the high school student killed by cal trayvon and san jose on tuesday. 16 year-old donae johnican was struck by a passing train just out of the jury down station at for an afternoon. downonae was a junior at lincoln high school in san jose and an aspiring musician and guitar player. >> new this morning, president obama is in the west bank today meeting with palestinian officials to emphasize the importance of reaching an israeli- palestinian peace deal. >> the palestinian people
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deserve an end to occupation and the daily indignities that come with it. >> president obama says a mideast peace with to end and the states is still possible but says it is still difficult to achieve. the presence of is that politics and palestinian territories and in israel complicate the search for peace. the only thing we'd ever grown together
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was a record collection. no. there was that fuzzy stuff on the gouda. [ both ] ugh! when it came to our plants... we were so confused. how much is too much water? too little? until we got miracle-gro moisture control. it does what basic soils don't by absorbing more water, so it's there when plants need it. yeah, they're bigger and more beautiful. guaranteed. in pots. in the ground. in a ukulele. are you kidding me? that was my idea. with the right soil... everyone grows with miracle-gro. ♪ time tmeo jump in to soo mething new ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the t best part of wakin' ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ is ifolgers in your cup
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>> 7:40 a.m. and cupertino's new boudin bakery restaurant is set to open today. the first 100 customers will be given free bread for a year.
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doors open at 9:00 a.m. for the first 100 people at 10:00 a.m. for the general public. the restaurant is located at 20682 stevens creek boulevard in the cupertino crossroads shopping center. the free rate is limited to a 1 lb. loaf of sourdough daily which values at more than $1,300. >> the fda is grabbing a series of graphic warning labels for cigarettes after deciding not to challenge of court ruling that said the shocking images violated free-speech protections. the images include a man exhaling smoke through a hole in his throat, a baby next in cloud of smoke, and diseased lungs next to healthy lungs. the fda will propose new labels, but that could take a few years. according to the centers for
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disease control the percentage of adult americans who smoke has declined since 1965 for more than 40 percent down to just under 19% in 2011. the cdc says cigarette smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in the u.s. killing about ordered 43,000 people per year. >> rested pieces of to apollo era rocket engines have helped boost astronauts of the mon have been missed out of the atlantic ocean. this is video recovery. the expedition was privately funded by amazon ceo jeff bezos he says it's unclear which apollo mission to recover and is belong to because the serial numbers were missing or hard to read on the carotid pieces.
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>> welcome back to the bay bridge is a has about this morning and the backup is still an to the macarthur maze. the westbound 580 ride slows from highway 24 and
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the east shore freeway as slow fro. for slow but not quite from children's hospital. here is a slowing on the lower east shore freeway. from the maze, 26 minutes. from the nimitz, about 16 to 18 minutes. a 23 minute drive time coming from the east shore freeway. the san mateo bridge is an alternate, not bad if your interested. drive times are 13 to 15 minutes. the golden gate bridge ride as a was moved one southbound 1 01, incident free through marin county for the 1 01 southbound ride. >> i want to show the shop from cathedral held. overlooking san francisco, blue skies, hardly any cloud cover. temperatures are not too bad, although we are currently 33 center rose up. oakland 45, 44 hayward. into
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the afternoon we will see some upper 50s and we will see the sun shine. richmond, 61, 65 pleasanton. quiet weather around the bay area and high pressure is back in control. wet weather is out of here although we are contending with breezy conditions. 7 day around the bay forecast shows warmer weather into the weekend. it looks like the next opportunity for wet weather is mid week next week. 20 to 30 percent chance and look for a decrease in temperatures. >> all right gary, here we are a few hours away from all the action beginning in the n.c.a.a. tournament. h-p pavilion, we are live. >> people are there right now? >> just jackie sissel. (laughter) are buried fault reporter mike pelton. i ask if you
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play basketball, he said no. >> it does not matter, we are live. >> they will play at 4:27 p.m. so you have to get there early if you want to be ready. >> something breaks out and someone shows up, we will be the first to get it. >> cal is probably the biggest local focal point. st. mary's >> i do not like the timeslot state mary's has. for you, i don't know what that means. when you see a game that starts at 215 or 245 on the east and 1145 year, it means it's one of our games that we don't think anyone will watch so we put it there. >> you obviously think i am not watching. i don't have to watch the tape from yesterday.
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>> the game that was tuesday night. i am not right to set you up. someone could tie you up in a chair make you watch it. >> i said we have to create a racket for this so people can bat. here are the teams that we're up against for your hundred dollars a minute. you have a hundred dollars a minute riding on this. my love of money, battling with might be test for sports. >> you do not the test of them. it gives you something to do in the morning except for status same thing 20 times. >> i am very busy schedule so i don't watch a lot of stuff. also, my inability to work the tv. >> how about we get off of you? what are you talking
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about? you were talking yesterday about st. mary's didn't do this or that and you did not watch one second of it. someone like you is busy, you people pursuing you, your time to watch 19 year-old is wet. >> you know what i'm doing all day? running errands. < ♪ >> very cute. when you're in the middle of it you're going all my gosh this is killing me, back and forth. what the hell are you living for really?
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>> it is a joke but basically that is what i will be doing. a billion and use. you never did you to? >> i know you to but less than the problem is with all these things is that no one goes out side or plays or communicates with other people. they just have their head down and look at their farm. >> and checking the brackets. >> i know i sound 90 years old but it's true. it drives me crazy. i see people getting off public transportation going to their jobs, the whole crowd of people without exaggerating, seven out of san have their head down. >> i know. speaking of the
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head down, the crown rule passed. >> that will be real interesting to see how they do this. a lot of players are complaining about it. if it is designed to maybe save a concussion, why not? people seem to not like it. what about the top rule? they got rid of that >> you, isn't the story tonight the miami heat was down 27 points. >> you think i did not look at the triple double? i am watching! this was amazing!
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he had an amazing performance. they roll on. they have to get the 33. >> this may save a big argument but college basketball is great. if you have your school at it or you know someone, that's fine. i'm telling you just for putting on generic teams or someone that you do not have a personal contract with >> it is a real show. >> college guys, i can't say enough with the most famous guys in the game are wearing suits and ties, that is not good. that bout my favorite player, malmo jones. i don't know that is, i love his name. debor
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[ malema announcer ] whewn it comes to the finannacial obstacles milmitary families face, we understand. our oufinancnaial advice is ge gared specifically to cuo rrent enand former mily me mbers and their familie lifle brings obstacles. usaa bra ings retirement advi. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! don't stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month
7:57 am
for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ at&t. from beautyrest40% and posturepedic.ets save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. but hurry, the beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
7:58 am
for cur crent and former militay membermbs and their families. getg advice from the people w ho share your values. for our r free usaa aretirement guide, call al877-247-2-usaa.
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>> seven years ago, twitter had just one user, creators jack dorsey. today is the seventh anniversary of the first ever tweets. on march 21st, 2006, dorsey treated just setting up my twitter. more than 2 million users at since registered on the social media site. about twice as many tweets, 400 million, are sent every day.
8:00 am
[ anouncer ] ihop is in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. is i can follow all my sports... catch the latest breaking news... keep in touch with friends... follow the financial headlines... find a great restaurant... and with siriusxm i can get weather forecasts...
8:01 am
all from here. in my mercedes-benz. [ male announcer ] introducing mbrace2. the most comprehensive cloud-based telematics system on the road. it's your world, from your car. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. do what? that. i ordered more coffee yesterday. congratulations. those too. [ male announcer ] staples makes it easier to get everything your business needs, and now get folgers classic roast for $6.99. staples. that was easy.
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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> this morning our top stories include this headline coming out of the east bay. police are looking for the head coach baseball team. he is suspected of molesting a teenager and secretly from another in a bathroom. >> we cannot give up on the search for peace, no matter how hard it is. >> president obama and the middle east speaking saying all the palestinians deserve an independent and sovereign state. more on his diplomatic efforts coming out. >> let the big dance began, just a few hours from out thousands of fans will have to the south bay to watch march madness. we will have live reports from h-p pavilion. >> had toward the bay bridge
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where traffic has been backed up for over an hour and 15 minutes now. it is but a hot spot. it was in the 6:00 hour we had an accident occur on the incline section. we're still not quite recovered from it. drive times are running from 16 to 26 minutes. the highest number is out of the macarthur maze. 23 minute commute time to get through the toll plaza and to cross the upper deck from the east shore freeway. a quick look at the back up west announced shows it reaches toward westbound 580. >> a live look outside from our mt. tam cam. clear conditions for a lot of us but there are areas of fog that have burned off. temperatures may be in the '40's, expect warmer conditions. close the 70 degree mark as we head into the afternoon. i will break down to a forecast and conditions into the weekend. a1 a am at that is the
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weather. >> the search is on re bay area baseball coach who is accused of molesting want white and video taping another while in the bathroom. this is >> it is a very popular business, it is called a triple play. there's a sign on the door that says closed until further notice, caught sight for the inconvenience. it is closed because the owner is not here. he is on the run and police are trying to arrest him. here is his picture. his name is cajoljoel kaufman . he is 42
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years old. they say he dragged a boy here and that is why they're accusing him of molesting him. while they were investigating that case, they went to his house and rent a. the winter its computers and that is when they found the film or video of a boy on dressing in the bathroom. how we get this picture? it was a mug shot taken back in august of 2012. he was also accused of molesting a boy at that time and was out on bail. they want to arrest him as soon as possible because of these accusations. they also believe that through out the years he has had access to young people, especially coaching baseball at several high schools in the bay area. also on in this business. we're trying to get reaction from customers as they arrive this morning. customers that may not know that this place is closed. >> san mateo school officials at are down high school are stepping of
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security after an anonymous threatening facebook post. the boss is described as a rambling threat that targets aragon high today. and as the as are working on trying to figure out who's responsible. residents nearby were also made aware of the threat. the president delivers marks of the israeli people at the jerusalem convention center. let's listen in. >> it is important to be open and honest, especially with your friends. (cheers & applause) politically, given the strong bipartisan support for israel and america, the easiest thing for me to do would be to put this issue aside. just express unconditional support for what ever israel decides to do. that would be the
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easiest political path. i want you to know that i speak to as a friend who is deeply concerned and committed to your future. i ask you to consider three points. first, he's is unnecessary. (laughter) (cheers & applause) i believe that. i believe that peace is the only path to true security. (cheers & applause) you have the opportunity to beat the generation that permanently secures the balance o be the keye. the onlyr israel to thrive as a jewish and democratic state
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is through the realization of an and bend in depended invie palestine. (cheers & applause) -- independent and viable (cheers & applause) the other factors involved, but given the added frustration at the international community about this conflict. israel needs to reverse an undertow its isolation. given the march of technology, the only way to truly protect the israeli people over the long term is through the essence of war. no wall is
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high enough and no iron dome is strong enough or perk rid of this out every enemy that is intent on doing so from inflicting harm. (cheers & applause) the truth is more pronounced given the changes sweeping the world. i understand that with the uncertainty of the region, people in the streets, changes in leadership, the rise of non secular parties and politics. it is tempting to turn inward because the situation outside of israel seems so chaotic. this is precisely the time to respond to the wave of revolution with a resolve and commitment to peace. (cheers & applause) as more government's response a popular war, the dates were israel could seek peace simply with a handful of leaders are over. these
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will have to be made among peoples, not just government. (cheers & applause) no one, no single step can change overnight what lies in the hearts and minds of millions. no single step is going to erase years of history and propaganda. progress with the palestinians it is a powerful way to began while sidelining extremists who fly on conflict and division. it would make a difference. (cheers & applause) peace is necessary. peace is also just. peace is also in test. there is no question
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that palestinian factions to turn to terror, leaders who missed historic opportunities, that is all true. that is why security must be at the center of any agreement. >> that is the president talking in jerusalem. he spoke earlier this morning on his trip to the palestinian president about restarting a peace negotiation between the palestinians and israelis. we will be right back.
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>> just a few hours away of the march madness beginning at h-p pavilion. it includes the cal bears, mike pelton is live there right now waiting for all the people to start pouring in. the first game is not so 11 or something? >> it is a couple hours away but it is so quiet here at h-p pavilion. they will open the doors of fans just after 10:00. the first game is at
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the tip off at 11:10 a.m.. at 140 is oregon and oklahoma state. cal and u.n.l.v. will play at 4:27 p.m.. the winning teams from today will play again on saturday here at h-p pavilion. this is essentially a holidahome game fr cal. it is also a rematch game. u.n.l.v. beat cal by one point on december 9th. today's game is a lot more important than that one was. like many of us, you've probably filled out your bracket. don't feel too bad if you messed up couple of games. >> is that white espn gives
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you million dollars if you get it perfect? >> there is a little bit of a chance, not much know. >> 8:13 a.m. and we'll be back a couple of minutes. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> not seen much improvement
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on the way of our hot spot here. east shore freeway, even in its approach are still backed out. take a look of the traffic maps. 580 still flows from highway 24, 24 looks better however. lower east shore freeway is still heavy leading down to the toll plaza. the ride to the san mateo bridge is a 50 minute commute time westbound. we not seen stopping the conditions on this bridge like we did for several months. that seems to of cleared up after the construction dead. the ride to the golden gate bridge is still a problem free for the 1 01 southbound. we're looking at been incident free ride through iran for the same stretch of highway. >> we are starting a morning of with sunny skies. temperatures are on the mild side, 46 right now instead carlos, 46 oakland. each has four is tracking numbers throughout the day. it will
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be pretty mild, cool in some spots. by 12:00 you will perhaps see low 60s along the delta. 2:00 p.m., the '60s will start to fill and land. '50s for the coast and by 8:00 p.m. everyone else and to the '50s. highs for today, 64 mountain view, 66 cupertino close to 70 fairfield, 63 hayward, up 61 downtown san francisco, 61 napa up. rain is out of the picture and high pressure is building in. tomorrow morning we will fall short of the advisory level. when will be gusty for the hills and some of the mountains. friday, a crystal clear
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conditions around and bought up temperature is just a bit. the '70s heading into the weekend of but expect more cloud cover starting the next work week. there is a potential for some rain as we head into the middle of next week. heading at the top, they received a couple of inches of fresh new powder. sierra at top, a base of 31 to 100 issues, norstar 34 to 84 in., squaw valley a base of 12 to 101 in.. >> the in play right for veterans drop last year, according to a new labor report. veterans still lag behind not veterans and the job market. the jobless rate
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for veterans deserve the military since 1911 terror attacks brought by 2% in 2012. >> a new survey from the associated press show many low-wage workers are not taking the advantage that could get them had. the survey finds that many workers earning 35,000 or less annually are not using train programs offered by their employers. some workers say they do not know the tree exists and others don't think it's worth the trouble. 83 percent of layers a job training is extremely important to get higher paying job while only half of low-wage workers feel as strongly about additional training.
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rising gas prices are really taking a jaunt a people's monthly budgets but now bay area grocer is working with local oil company to reduce prices across northern california. safeway is teaming up with some ground to give you a break at the pump. the deal is simple, but more groceries, as seymour the chevron station. accumulate enough reward point he could save up to 20¢ per gallon. the officer is open to any safely club members and to redeem your- reward, just like your words card at the bomb. the discount is also available at texaco stations. we are watching gas prices in the bay area and we a seen prices fall the last few weeks. the national average is sitting at $3.69 for regular gallon of gas. state average is $4.90, sampras is 04 dollars and 17¢, oakland and san jose $4.50. >> the supreme court is
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scheduled to heaand i of man isf slapping a toddler on a plane has pleaded not guilty to an assault charge. 60 year-old adult hundley appeared in federal court wednesday in atlanta. the mother of a 19 month old says her son was crying on a flight from minneapolis to atlanta last month and hundley called the white racial slur and slapped him. his attorney denies that our clients struck the boy. she says he regrets his words it was grieving over the declining health of his now deceased son. huntley is charged with assaulting a minor. >> the puppeteer to get sesame street's elmo his boys is facing a disturbing new lawsuit. a federal suit filed this week by sheldon at stevens claims that cabinet clashed through a
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crystal meth sex party in 2004. at siemens is the fourth man to sue the x l. mow puppeteer but was the first one to publicly claim he had sexual relationships with them as a team. three other men have filed lawsuits accusing clashed of befriending them as teenagers and having sex with them. the accusations led to clashes being suspended from sesame street and he eventually resigned. his lawyer says the latest lawsuit is meritless and barred by the statute of limitations. the only thing we'd ever grown together
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was a record collection. no. there was that fuzzy stuff on the gouda. [ both ] ugh! when it came to our plants... we were so confused. how much is too much water? too little? until we got miracle-gro moisture control. it does what basic soils don't by absorbing more water, so it's there when plants need it. yeah, they're bigger and more beautiful. guaranteed. in pots. in the ground. in a ukulele. are you kidding me? that was my idea. with the right soil... everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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>> 8:25 a.m. and in oakland a huge pot holes are causing a big problems for drivers and bicyclist in the rock bridge district. they're so bad and damaging car tires and some bart bike riders say they've fallen. the public works departments as next month, the city will have its annual potholes' let's work out of the potholes' probably will be filled in one day. >> buses in san francisco will soon get doodads that muni does not want to put up but says its hands are tied. the controversy and ads will be placed on the size of several muni buses for four weeks. and tunnel there'll be six adds. one read, the punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty. another reads, homosexuality
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is an ugly and your ride we don't have homosexuals like in your country. that have paid for by the american freedom defense initiative. most recently, the organization had a series of other ads were anti muslim on the buses. ms. as the public on facility is in a difficult position. >> be as mta is receiving $3,000 to put up the ads on the buses of the proceeds will go toward san francisco human rights campaign. the elder merging about the national parks service is ambitious plan to overhaul yosemite valley. bundle the proposal or as rentals and bicycle rentals will no longer be allowed in the valley. the pool be removed from the kind of 20 hotels. the ice rink at curry village will be torn out. the 235 million the merced river plant has been more than a decade in the making, delayed by several lawsuits from
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environmentalists. >> of view of the bay bridge of boaapproached, lots of delays at the toll plaza this of boaapproached, lots of delays at the [ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu, home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... ♪ ...and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. ♪ like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu.
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>> welcome back it is 829. and live shot at the favorite toll plaza. we are still looking at 26 minute drive times out of the macarthur maize. much less about half that if you're coming from the nimitz. a back up to the diamond lane split. the lower east shore freeway back up to ashby avenue traffic on 580 backed up the habit before. we have pretty nice weather heading into the wee kim. into the afternoon temperatures will
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be in the low 60s. climbing into the upper 60s for some of our east bay interior valleys. for full gain a couple of degrees until sunday. full details on the extended forecast coming up in just a few minutes. james. >> thank you erica. heading over to the golden gate bridge for we're watching and watching for changes to happen. >> jackie sissel is out there. i know the bus is in your way. we could at some point in a second see the toll plaza. that is the focus of the changes that are happening. >> there are a lot of change is happening. starting six days from today you will start to see major changes one is the speed limit. the other one is the size they're putting up. we know this is going fully electronic toll starting wednesday of next week. that means no more stopping at
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the toll plaza handing over money. today will be a meeting in they also increase the speed limit. the speed limit is now 50 mi. an hour there will increase to 10 mi. all the way up to 25 mi.. a spokesperson for the bridge disaster had this to say. >> our board is expected to approve a 25 m.p.h. speed limit. it will be up for wednesday morning. 25 mi. for hour is the standard cash, free falling lanes. the >> one of the other changes that lane will be all carpool lane starting on wednesday. they wanted the word out. the other thing they will do is cover of the tolls. when people come to
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the plaza they're not to to to stop and try to hand the money over. th to a nonexistent co-worker. t. toll workroom. >> starting wednesday the 27 no more stopping of plaza and the speed limit will be 25 mi. per hour. >> police are looking for the head coach of the traveling bay area baseball team. he is suspected of molesting one teenaged boy, and secretly filming another in a bathroom. investigators think there may be more victims. >> a $300,000 arrest award is out for 52 year-old dole kaufman of orinda. he called the california smoke at baseball club out of san jose. it is players follow
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the bay area. he is also the owner of triple play usa, a batting cage facility in san leandro. kron 4 spoke with fares were shocked to learn about the charges. absolutely unacceptable. to be around a child. to be around any children. my daughter is 6 i refer all the time. i hope the charges are not true. police burst arrested kaufman in august after the parents of a boy he allegedly molested called over the police but no charges were filed the time. >> the debate over affordable housing took center stage in the north bay wednesday evening. the event prompted police to watch over a protest. but as kron fours phillipe djegal reports. >> there was a town hall
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meeting held in deciding this auditorium. >> the group inside disagrees with the state wide initiative to floor green house guest by creating more affordable housing and transportation corridors very >> but organizers say that could lead to building unnecessary retail shops and high-priced condominiums. there are better solutions. >> the group outside does not see it that way. >> it is not enough housing for the working-class brit basically want everyone to be included into the community. the homeowners, the people work here, the board homes here. >> they have a gross of racism, classism, homophobia and in deism. they have wild people love to come and demonstrate against that. you are demonstrating is the wrong group would not believe in that. >> the meeting went without incident. there were no rest most of the protesters stayed outside boycotting the town hall. >> and san rafeal phillipe
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dlegal kron 4 news. >> we're learning more about the police involved shooting in the latest officer involved shooting in san jose. we reported yesterday his name is bruce barthelemy . he is a five- year veteran of the department. >> video from a helicopter part issue with abc seven new shows the scene monday night. he fired one round, killing the still unidentified driver of a stolen car. police said the driver was try to run over the officer. they also confirm that the officer was involved in another officer of shooting in november of last year. and that is a dead he shot all of the suspect wanted in a murder in robbery rampage. the santa clara county's sheriff
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office is handling the latest investigation. >> he tried to run over officer which is attempted murder of an officer's life. our investigators are doing the proper documentation and investigative work in this case. >> as is standard protocol the officer is on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. the time is 8:36 . we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. taking a live look at the golden gate bridge. look at the sunshine and traffic is heating up try to get from marin county to san francisco. we will right back. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪
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shop at ♪ we are back 8:39 is the time. new-york mayor michael will never be joined by president joe biden and families from new town, connecticut to discuss the need of commons as federal gun laws. >> we have a chance was to quick listen. >> 86% of voters approve such background checks and polls in a national cross- section of 21 states. >> that is in line with other recent polls that have found that more than 90 percent of americans support background checks for all gun buyers. >> the republican has found that 82 percent of gun owners including 74% of national rifle association members support requiring
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criminal background checks for anyone purchasing a gun. >> there is no real debate among the american people. around the country americans understand requiring a background check for every gun sell is just good common sense. >> in some states they're taking action including new york banks to the governor cuomo and colorado who as in such terrible mass murders. >> in connecticut the governor has proposed that legislators have a minority to work on firearm gun laws. >> limiting the size of high-capacity magazines and strengthening anti trafficking measures. >> newtown, conn. hazlitt a big role in advancing this legislation. they can speak from experience and pain. >> such as state action is not enough. there is a national problem. the guns
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sold in states with weak gun laws are too often found crossing state lines and use to commit crimes elsewhere. we need national leadership that we are going to stop this surge. >> mayor michael bloomberg in off to the left because his face is blocked by allied graphic that is a vice president joe biden-- allied graphic live graphic. >> we have a lot of sunshine. >> george will be along with any bombs
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save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. but hurry, the beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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with colgate optic white toothpaste. it whitens over 2 shades more than a leading whitening toothpaste. and try colgate optic white mouthwash. to whiten more than 3 shades, use the whole whitening line, from colgate optic white. >> welcome back to kron 4 morning news. it is 8:45 . we are still attacking the
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bay bridge at a hot spot. we have been monitoring these delays for a while. an early morning accident on the incline. starting to see improvement at the toll plaza speed. it is moving at a faster rate but not fast enough. was down 4 is low. so is the lower east shore freeway. we are recording 24-26 minute drive times coming out of the maize. about 20-23 minutes coming out of the shore freeway. as this approach to the bridges from the nimitz. for your ride to the san mateo bridge. the drive times are 11-30 minutes. no problems on the approaches. the golden gate bridge ride at the peak for south bound 101. we are still into been free through marin county for the south 101 drive. >> that shot of the golden gate bridge we are waiting up to sunshine. temperatures in the mid '40's caerleon san francisco the site for livermore. low '40's and concord. it is a mild start
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to the morning. we do not have the right to contend with. the redwood ways. futurecast 4 tracking the temperatures. o'clock 50s from those locations. however, we could see lows 60s along the delta, napa, sent row a. >> the '60s come in by 2:00 p.m.. clear conditions will be around. it will be clear of the coastline that is cloudy. by 8:00 p.m. temperatures in the '50s mainly clear skies. temperatures will tumble during the overnight hours will be back in the mid '30's for some locations working up tomorrow morning. waking up tomorrow morning. >> wins will be editor of the day i think will fall short of advisory's. >> 61 for downtown san francisco drive, stable weather over the bay area. that will continue for the
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next couple of days. temperatures practically in the '70s by saturday and sunday. clear skies and sunshine will stay around. we will see more in the way of clouds cover when we started the next work weeks. as of now the next opportunity for wet weather is wednesday. a 20-story percent chance. some of the models are starting to back off on that. --20/30 percent chance of rain. >> will continue to keep you posted. >> thank you erica. at 87 47 let us go back live to new york where president joe biden is talking about the need for new federal gun laws. >> we are trying to protect our comrades in this case tried to protect these little angels. three months ago a deranged man walked into a sandy hook elementary school with a weapon of war. that is what he walked in with a weapon of war. that weapon of war has no place
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on american streets. taking it off america's streets have no impact on one's constitutional rights on weapon. the government has a right to limit certain weapons from being able to be possessed by american citizens. this is not a constitution issue. if you notice when the ban was in place there was not a constitutional challenge. it did not go anywhere to the existence of the ban. let us get this straight this is not about anybody's constitutional right to own a weapon. for all of those who say we should not and cannot ban on assault weapons for all of those who say politics are too large how can they say that? when you take look at those 20 beautiful babies and what happened to them. >> there are people from new
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town, conn. there. by president joe biden is speaking. we heard from new york mayor bloomberg. saying the white house is still pushing for an assault weapon ban after it was dropped by senate leaders from a gun control bill earlier this week. >> we are following the latest in bay area headlines. recordings have surface of an anti-gay tirade by folk musician was shellshocked. it was during a sudden i performance in san francisco. >> take a listen. >> once proposition 8 get in stated preaches will be held at gunpoint to marry homosexuals. i am sure that that would be the signal for jesus to come down. >> i am sick of christians filled with a posse, hiding behind the symbol of the cross.
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>> after that ran the club where she was performing pull the plug on the show. since sunday, at least 10 venues around the country at campbell shows, say they disagree with her comments. she has issued a common saying " i do not nor have i ever said or believe that god hates homosexuals. i said that some of his followers believe that. >> i am very sorry i did not always express myself as clearly as i should. >> with open day a few weeks away the 2012 world series champs have another thing to brag about. san francisco at&t park was named a the best ballparks in the nation. tripadvospr announced a the top baseball parks according to its popularity index. pennsylvania's pnc park came in first. the home of the champs, at&t park came in second. baltimore's oriole
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park came in third. fourth boston's famous fenway park. and busch stadium cave in fit. >> march madness is getting in full swing if you cannot take a peek at the action on tv you and all the action on our smart phone. karen ca ifaia looks at three apps to stay on top of your game. >> let on the madness began college basketball's rite of spring. lucky for fans some smart phone at keep tabs on every march madness moment. the official app at let you see scores and what fans sasaying. >> pocket bracket embraces the need for old school paper brackets. it keeps
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track of multiple rocket on its mobile by spirit brackets alare updated after each game. >> connect with facebook friends and other sports enthusiasts during live games to predict plays and scored. credits can be redeemed for team merchandise and tickets. >> i am parents caifia reporting. >>--karein caifa reporting. >> we're now 58 days away from the years bay to breakers. kron
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[ male announcer ] you think you know me.
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believe i'm just glitz and glam when i'm so much more.
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i'm downtown and ocean front. my nights are just as busy as my days. the arts are my passion. food my obsession. and when you finally think you know me. you'll realize, there's still so much more to discover. los angeles. endlessly entertaining. plan your getaway at
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>> welcome back 8:56. >> cupertino's new boudin bakery restaurant is set to open today and the first 100 customers will be given free bread for a year. doors open at 9:00 a.m. for the first 100 people and a 10:00 a.m. for the general public. the restaurant is located at 20682 stevens creek boulevard in cupertino crossroads shopping center. the free bread as limited to 1 lb. loaf of sourdough daily which values at more than $1,300. >> seven years ago twitter had one user its creator. jack dorsey. today it is the seventh anniversary of the first ever teet on march
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21st, 2006. dorsey we did just setting up my 1/8 twitter 3/8 . more than 200 million users of cents registered on the social media site. about twice as many tweets 400 million are sent every day. >> he doesn't lead me. he doesn't weekly >> the road which are dry. there is a lot of brown and green. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever.
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sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪
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>> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 9 starts now. >> good morning. the top stores were following this thursday, march 21st. police are looking for this head
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coach of a traveling bay area baseball team. he is accused of molesting a teenager and secretly filming another in a bathroom. >> we cannot give up on the search for peace no matter how hard it is. >> president obama speaking this morning about the hope for middle east peace and the fact that the two sides the palestinians and israelis should not give of their diplomatic efforts. >> and let the dance began. just hours from now, out of the fans went to the south bay to watch march madness. a live report from the h p pavilion. >> first we have to get through weather and traffic. whether not so bad. traffic not so good . >> we are dealing with the back up that resulted in the
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meter lights been shut down. in his back up nearly over the toll plaza. we're still backed up into the macarthur mays and the east shore freeway still backed up be on powell street closer to ashby avenue. take a look up. westbound with it for is low again as the drive time has gone back up to 26 minutes. coming down from rock ridge to get to the bay bridge back up for the west about right. a very slow commute for your offer debt still this morning. >> janu. b >> thank you george mostly sunny conditions in some areas. still dealing with clout. heading into the afternoon plenty of sunshine. warmer temperatures and registered a into the evening hours we're expecting clear skies, a chilly temperatures, and we will feel the wind pick up. >> would take a look at your forecast coming up. >> new this morning president obamas wrapped up his speech in jerusalem as part of first trip to the middle east as president. one of the president's focus this is the nearby syrrian
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civil war. speaking today in front of hundreds of israelis he was in no time to address in the chemical weapons being used in syria. this is as simple. the war would not condone their use or distribution at any cost. >> the fact that has lost allies has stockpiled kabaka weapons. we will continue to cooperate closely it is the danger-a-chemical weapons. >> i made that clear. we would not tolerate the use of chemical weapons against the syrian people or the transfer of those weapons to terrorists. the world is watching will hold you accountable. >> president obama is also criticizing israel over its treatment of palestinians in the west bank. >> the president says palestinians have the right to self-determination and justice that has recognized. for israelis to put themselves in the shoes of the palestinians. it is not there when violence against
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palestinians goes unpublished. >> new this morning the search continues for a bay area high school baseball coach who is accused of obstructing and molesting one boy in secretly filming another. along with coaching he is also your resource business in san leandro. kron fours will trend is live in from the business with the details. >> good morning will. >> good morning darya here is the business behind me, a triple play usa. on any other day it would be open for business. it was opened last night. new this morning someone posted a sign that says closed until further notice. sorry for the inconvenience. the reason is close the cannot by the owner. here is this picture. his name is joel kaufman. you may notice the picture looks like a mug shot. that is because it is a mug shot. it was taken in august when
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he was accused of molesting a boy. as recently as last night they were searching for him with a $300,000 for hours because of the accusation about the one boy. as far as finding video of the boy undressing in the bathroom how they were able to come across this video authorities said they went up to his house and orenda at which through his computer and stumbled across this. they believe there are more victims. simply because he has access to these young boys. coaching the traveling baseball team called the california smoke made up of bread has cleared all of the bay area. they came together to make up the thing. not to mention that perhaps they're looking into if he has access to other young man because he coached at two other bay area teams. to high school and burial. not to imagine he owns displays. not only does this have batting cages there is an arcade in side as well. >> this is obviously a guy
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was well known in the community especially in the baseball community. how could he just disappear in a day that the big question? >> no one knows. yesterday people came by we talked to a father who brings his daughter here this it all he is a quiet man. he said he had been here for several months and works next door and has not seen the man. perhaps according he owns this and perhaps is not here every day that is why he is able to sneak away as he has done so far. nonetheless he is well known. he may be quiet to these people but he is well known to the authorities. >> thank you will. time is 9 06 march madness began this morning right here in the bay area. for the games will be played today in san jose including what amounts to a home game for the cal bears. mike pelton is at the h p pavilion in san jose
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where the games get under way. >> good morning darya the first few fans of just showing up here. the staff will open the doors to the arena just after 10:00. the events to the gang will began live this morning. the first game is at 1110 new mexico state vs. i was. >> 140 this oregon vs. oklahoma state. >> cal at u.n.l.v. play at 427. >> montana and syracuse played the nightcap game to be off at 67. >> there is a lot of basketball over the next several days. fans out here are ready for the big debts to began. >> i am excited about march madness with march at the time when teams showcase who they are and what they have been working on and practicing all year long. just the sheer excitement of a chance and the pure
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excitement of having the opportunity to go to the dance. >> he is personally a passionate basketball fan. expect a lot of passionate cal fans later this afternoon. they look out to get a date in their own backyard. >> usually a lower seeded team will not get a home field advantage so to speak. it is unusual to have a rematch in the opening round of games. u.n.l.v. beat cal on december night by one point. of course today's game means a lot more when they last met. >> the other big game here locally the st. mary's game. that tips off at 1145 this morning. >> keep your eyes on the california teens. as we talked about early you have to jump around to keep track of everyone. you're supposed be working not watching basketball. >> thank you mike. mike had an excuse and this is his job.
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>> 908 is the type will be back with more in a couple of minutes. we are looking at sunshine sho is tahoe. >> the ski resorts have a [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv,
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you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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>> welcome back 911 let us check in on stocks of their down. falling by 40. u.s. technology companies weighing on the market.
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investors worry about cyprus running out time to avoid bankruptcy. that is another thing that may reporreflect the market. the number of people applying for unemployment benefits barely changed last week. the labor board's application rules by 2000 to 336,000. but the four week average fell 7500 making it the lowest of since february 2008. >> be employed rate for veterans dropped last year, according to a new report. but veterans still lag behind on veterans and job markets. the jobless rate for veterans who served in the military since the 911 terror attack on by 2% in 2012. >> uprising that presently taking a child got of people's monthly budgets. but now a bay area grocery is working with a local oil company to reduce prices across northern california.
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safeway is teaming up with chevron to give you a break at the pump. the deal is simple. buy more groceries, save more at the devastation. accumulate enough reward points and you could save up to 20¢ per gallon. the offer is open to any state with club members. and to redeem the gas reward, despite a record club card at the pump. the discount is also available at a texaco station. >> every penny at cup. 912. we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes. a live look outside from our out tam cam. you can see the sun shop with him out best- sunshine waiting to break out
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>> 950 a time. an idaho man accused of slapping a toddler on a plane has pleaded not guilty to assault charge for its 60 year-old joe hundley appeared in federal court wednesday in atlanta. the mother of a 19 year month old boys as our son was crying my flight from minneapolis to atlanta last month and he called the boy a racial slur and slapped him. hundley
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attorney denies her plight struck the boy. she says he regrets his words and was grieving over the declining health of is now deceased son. he is charged with assaulting a minor. >> the public here today sesame street elmo his voice is facing a disturbing new lawsuit. the federal suit filed this week by show the stevens, claims the kevin clash pre crystal meth party in 2004. stevens is the fourth man to sue the at all mobile the tear but he was the first one to publicly claim he had sexual relationships with him at 18. his lawyer says the latest lawsuit is without merit and barred by the statute of limitations. >> 917 at the time. >> it is over 2 hours that we have been tracking the bay bridge as a hot spot. it all started with an accident in the early morning hours. a single accident that was not out there long. the meeting light were cranked down. we're finally
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starting what may be some lasting improvement in the back up. it is still pretty significant. look at the 80 approach. it is no longer backed up all the way across the eastbound lanes. the back up in all the lane began right there that is a big improvement. the macarthur maize is still backed up you can see it slow coming from 580 and even 24 which is backed up is slow from four children to hospital. a 30 minute drive time if you're coming down from the caldecott tunnel. that is your bay ridge back up this morning. >> the lower east shore freeway is still heavy. 23 minutes there. it is about 13 if you're coming from the nimitz and that is your best approach. >> looking at other bridges the san mateo bridge ride looks good. these continue to be at ease. at 11 commute time. >> the go gate bridge light traffic we're past the peak for 101 south bound. >> it looks like a beautiful
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day outside the us and update on the weather from janu it >> thank you george look at the view from our roof cam in san francisco. blue skies, sunshine, drive. a different look compared to yesterday's. the wind's will pick up this evening. it will be hit with the start the day. even warmer. the warming trend will continue. we will see some seventies on the board. >> let us talk about current conditions. upper '40's and the north bay. 47 in santa rosa and apple. low 50s for the east bay shore. mid '40's and redwood city and 49 in san jose. >> by noon mainly fifties along the bay shore. some '60s and portions of the north bay indicated by the green on your screen. >> for those of you that are headed out this evening mainly widespread 50s. your afternoon highs look like
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the south bay in the '60s. >> satellite and radar shows high pressure building that means a war of bros. dry conditions expected. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows mid- 60's today and tomorrow. low seventies and to the weekend. as we head into midweek we could see a chance of showers. for those of you head up to the sierra. take a look at the snow bomb .com ski report. fresh new snow. 3 in. at sierra tahoe. a base of 31- 100 in.. >> and base of 34-84 in.. squaw valley a base of 12- 101 in.. with 10 in. of fresh new snow. >> darya. >> thank you janu. is 920. >> california's senate other ways in on the upcoming supreme court hearing on
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same-sex marriage. and discusses the role in what tagging out. kron fours dan kerman said down with gavin new some today and has the report. >> it has been nine years since then san francisco near gavin new some directed the city to into marriage licenses to same-sex couples. of those marriages and eventually were ruled illegal. many credit new some with getting the ball rolling on merit equality. >> we stressed people imagination about what is awful. michelangelo said better than anyone the biggest risk in live is not that we came to hide and missed it but we ain't too low and reach it. >> the debate is not good enough. it would have achieved their quality and full rights. >> this is a team effort. with mayors equality on the doorstep of the u.s. supreme court he credits same-sex couples, politicians, and attorneys despite setbacks
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to refuse to give up. >> this is a testament to the old adage that dr. king framed. if you want to change things you have to do things you cannot hold dance hold a candlelight vigil and talk about the way things should be. if there's anything we did in 2004 we helped put a human face on the issue. it was not a legal brief that was being introduced to the court it was about discrimination in the abstract. it was about real people and their lives and suffering. >> new some says he is optimistic about the o. e upcoming se upcoming supreme cot decision. >> and those 31 states that have constitutional ban want to ratify the good work that we have done out here in california. >> in the u.s. supreme court
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is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case is on tuesday and wednesday of next week. >> dan kerman kron 4 news. >> 922 we will be back with more on a couple of minutes on this thursday morning. a lot of sunshine over the james lick freeway. a few cars which is good. a lot a son of the big buildings as we look at the sky like we will back a cold minutes.
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>> time for the kron 4 tech report with gabe slate . >> i have great news to share. comcast has boosted the speed of their internet service in the bay area. anyone who uses comcast 4 internet at home or work can experience a boost the speed for free. >> to receive a boost in speed you need to do something to your modem. here's the deal. comcast's
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offer three different service plans. three tiers of speech. if you use, as internet you are enrolled in one of these three internet plans the offer. each of these three plans will benefit from the new it posted speeds. any plan you have you may be a will to receive double the speed in an now for free. these new speeds have been activated and the bay area. the switch has been split. the improved speeds will make your digital live better, uploading, downloading, streaming, video tatting, web serving. you name it everything will be faster and more reliable. here's what you need to do to receive the new was the internet speed. >> locate your comcast cable modem and unplug it. leaded implode for 60 seconds. make sure it is on plug for entire minute. than plugging in. this will reset your modem. once in every said it it will now receive a faster speed. gabe slate kron 4 news. >> 927 right now we will be
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back with more in a couple of minutes there if taking a live look at the golden gate bridge. a little bit of a slowdown in the cash lane. we will be right back.
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>> 929. taking a live look at san francisco. you can see the blue skies. that is good news here in will get to that in a moment any bad news less. >> i wish i had more good news about the bay bridge back up is still a big one. looking at the toll plaza the support of the story. you will say there is big openings between the cars. this 880 wrap it is still backed up to the top. the open space here they are cycling the meter lights a fast break. back up still reaches into the macarthur maize. look is back of beyond a children's hospital almost all the way to rock ridge on highway 24. the current drive time higher than has been any other time this morning. now looking at a 30 minute back up. >> thank you george. better
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news in the weather center plenty of sunshine. temperatures starting to warm up. 48 degrees in san francisco. 43 in hayward. oakland upper '40's. concord, carlos of livermore. >> was aware the dividend heading including the we can't weekend forecast. headed back to darya. looking at the golden gate bridge they will start electronic all taking next week. that is not the only thing that is changing to get more news faster let's turn to jackie sissel was live at the golden gate bridge. >> what else we have to know? >> we have a lot of changes. the electronic toll taking that will start a week from today. six days from now march 27th, all electronic toll taking. we have other changes to the toll plaza. the big one is a speed limit that will increase the speed limit. in fact they are meeting now talking about it. from 15 mi. per hour up to 25 mi. per hour. they are hoping that the
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increase will increase the flow of traffic to the toll plaza. we had a chance to talk to a spokesperson for the bridge district. not only are we talking about electronic sewing and speed increase of we're talking about four or five new changes to the toll plaza. she talked all the myriad >> the big message for wednesday speed limit. no fast-track only lane. dedicated carpool lane number two. no collectors covered. new speed limit. so some changes we need you to pay attention at if you have not done anything get a toll in a voice mail. >> did not stop the plaza. >> two of the things she talked about other than the speed limit is this line here. this is lane number two. the second from the right as you come to san francisco. that will be a designated car pull away and only. they want people to
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know that is where the carpool lane will be. the other thing was they will wrap the oaths with paper so that when people drive upper to give their money to nonexistent polltakers they're not from off they go to keep moving. that is the big message. on wednesday morning what ever they decide to do they have--what time they know there will be hiccups along the way with the want to get the message that do not stop the plaza the whole idea is to make it quicker and efficient. >> thank you jackie. the time is 933. police are looking for this man he is the head coach of the travel and bay area baseball team. he is accused of drugging and molesting a 14 year-old boy. also secretly filming another boy in the bathroom.
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investigators think they may be more victims. a printer thousand dollar arrest war has been issued joel kaufman of orinda. he coaches the california smoke baseball team out of san jose players from all over the bay area play with the team. he is also the owner of triple crown play usa a batting cage facility in san leandro. absolutely unacceptable. >> to be around a child, any children. >> my daughter is 6 at rear of the time. >> i hope the charges are not true. >> police force arrested him in august after the parents of boys said he had drugs unless there sun she called the over the police. no charges were filed at the time. >> a debate over affordable housing took center stage in the north bay on wednesday night. but as kron fours phullipe jdegal reported
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remain peaceful. >> this group of protesters rallied against organizations citizens are in made up of marin county homeowners holding a town hall meeting inside the auditorium of the most practical way to bring affordable housing to the county. the group inside disagrees with the statewide initiative to lower greenhouse gas emissions by creating more affordable housing near transportation corridors. those organizers said that could lead to building unnecessary retail shops in the high price condos. >> they're better solution. the group outside does not see it that way. >> there's not enough housing for the working class. we want everyone to be included into the community that the homeowners, the people work here, and it will read homes. >> there is a huge they accused us of classism and racism. they have whooped
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people of to come and demonstrate we are the wrong group we do not believe in that. >> most of the protested outside bboycotting the town hall. phillipe jdegal kron 4 news. >> the fbi and rohnert police looking for a serial bank robber call the hood ie bandit. this is as real as a total of the man suspected of robbing three banks in sonoma county. he is known for giving out the man knelt and where and put it sweatshirt during robberies police say he was
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last seen getting into a 1990 jeep wrangler with faded red paint. >> we're learning more about the police officer of the latest officer of shooting in san jose. as reported yesterday's name is bruce barthelemy a five-year veteran of the department. >> video from our helicopter for a job with a seven news shows seen on the night he was firt . >> he fired one round, killing the still unidentified driver of a stolen car. police said the driver was trying to run officer down. they also confirm that he was involved in another officer involved shooting in november of last year. in that incident he shot one of a suspect wanted in a murder and robbery rampage. the santa clara sheriff office is handling the latest investigation. >> as is standard for all the officer is on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
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>> a private vigil is planned for tonight for a high school student was killed by caltran and san jose on tuesday. 16 year-old donae johnican was struck by a passing train just out of the dirdon station at 4 in the afternoon. he was a junior at lincoln high school in san jose had an aspiring musician and a guitar player and family members will attend evening drizzle but would not disclose the details. >> here is a shot of 680 and traffic [ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience
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on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] and get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] u-verse high speed internet. [ man ] where all systems are go. ♪
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>> in oakland. look at this huge palls calling problems for drivers and bicycle is watch them try to avoid this one. this is a lot bridge district is so bad they're damaging car tires and some by police said throck ridge di'e
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so bad they're damaging car tires and some bike riders say they have fallen. of public works the provinces next month, the senate will have its annual pothole its whereabouts of pot holes drop open would be filled in one day. >> buses in san francisco also get three new ads. s- these u.s. unit is not want to put it up but says its hands tied because process were replaced on the size of several muni buses for four weeks. >> in total there will be six at spirit one reads, the punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty. >> at another reit, was edged out the is ugly in i raqn we do not have was that like in your country. that are paid for by american freedom defense initiative. most recently, of your position at a series of other s there were anti
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muslim on the buses. because the public on facility is in a difficult position. >> the s f m a t areceiving $3,p the edge on the buses. all campaign. >> details are emerging about the national park service's ambitious plans to overhaul in yosemite valley. under the " horse rentals and bicycle rentals would no longer be allowed in the valley. the pool would remove from the iconic ahwahnee hotel. >> the ice rink at curry village would be torn out. >> the $235 million emersed river plant in more than a decade in the making. delayed by several lawsuits from and by rental is.
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>> ( male announcer): now here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly . >> in san francisco their sutro height and 48 ave. inside of a homes appear to be filled boxes of medical records and no electricity. this one has not one but two video cameras and a solicitor sign on the door window. outside one of the multimillion-dollar homes is the s 500 mercedes-benz with red brickand rusted breaks and n
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desperate need of a suspension work. >> on the lawn is what appears to be rising material that look at this of this burn wood is it someone has a bonfire out front. but what will shock and all you is how the back yard looked more like a flash over from a forest fire. trees burned to a crisp and so was the fencing some covered with tagging and some slightly faded over. the reason why it is been painted over it because the city of san francisco has ordered both porteproperties clean up. now for the shocker both the calls are on by the same person dr. wing gavek key and who works here is the university of california san francisco. next to the home is sutro part, which is federal property so the fed the law with this in your looking for long-term solution. the way i see if the doctor does not want to maintain any of
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these multi million-dollar homes i am willing to bet there are people in the bay that would gladly take it. i am raising my hand. >> i spoke to neighbors and once told me what goes on at these homes is downright scary is missing plane shooting hundreds of feet in the air. so there you have multimillion-dollar light with a view. in san francisco state robert kron 4 news. >> this bridge are much improved to the back up. it will get to buy supplies especially if you're coming from 24. if you're coming from interstate 80 or the nimitz freeway 880 you have an easier approach to the bridge and more like what you would expect. for the san mateo bridge no bread for your expectations here. an easy ride elevens across the span. no problems into of the city. the golden gate bridge ride still looks good. 101 southbound. the pressiod parkway's seven from the tunnel but will drive. >> bank in georgia live look
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at the san mateo bridge a mix of sun and low clouds. we're expecting sun shine in the afternoon. it will be breezy and milder it as a tomorrow it would be a windy star to the day. warmer to be respected and a warming trend will continue to the weekend. we're expected seventies on the board for our warmer areas. looking at temperatures where there now. low 50s in the bay shore. '40's and santa rosa. for those of you with a fremont sitting at 51. by noon time when expecting mainly 50 lot of bay shore spirit '60s and the north bay. that is indicated by the green color on your screen. into the afternoon the green will grow more widespread mainly fifties. temperatures dropping down to the '50s by a clot. >> afternoon highs starting off in the south bay. mid- 60s or mountain view after it was caused. los is
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expected in the east bay an invalid. mid to upper 60s along the delta. 65 for fairfield. ms. this is for pleasanton. melo's this is our east bay shore. downtown san francisco 61. upper 50s for the coastal area. mid to upper 60s for the north bay. 65 in the bottle and 67 in napa. >>-bestnavato . >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows the swarming trent heading into the weekend. >> as we had to midweek there is a slight chance of things and showers. >> 951.
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>> march madness does not necessarily mean basketball
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to the engineers at your job. companies are working overtime to prevent the strain on their computer network. >> this is jim compton. it is about planning and network design. he has an engineering degree from mit. he is a high-level executive at cisco. he knows what it takes to keep computer network up and running. especially when there are being overtaken by date on or devices streaming ncaa basketball. >> it is like a traffic jam you have wide open lanes and having lot of people streaming a bunch of cars in the lane that will slow it. the road is built character number of cars. cisco has its own basketball court. it seemed like inappropriate place to talk march madness. or s chips called march network madness. according
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to a survey more than a third of all companies will take action to prepare for some will even then streaming video. >> explain what is march network madness. it is when work is disrupted because not so much before distracted by the game which happens regardless what people were not interested march madness have their jobs close down the cannot access e-mail or search the web because of the people watching video. >> when you have a bunch of people sitting at desks were not working and streaming the games that could cause the company's internet to come to a halt. by the way in tv news we call this file video. we're not really watching games. . >> at cisco we allow employes to do these things. they are accountable for their productivity. we allow them to access these types of content. >> enjoyed, cisco employes and everyone


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